In the heartland of South Dakota, Ethan Hayes leads a double life—one as a dedicated, seasoned FBI special agent, and the other as Master West Coast Swing dancer Ethan Haven. Though it's difficult to juggle both personas, he finds peace and purpose on the dance floor.
Dr. Molly Everhart, the youngest medical examiner in Waverly County, seeks refuge from the grim realities of her profession through West Coast Swing lessons. Spending her time with the living is a welcome respite.
Molly and Ethan's worlds collide with a bone-chilling discovery: a trailer packed with women, frozen in the icy grip of death, found right in the heart of Waverly Junction. It's not just a shocking revelation. It's a plunge into a dark and perilous reality lurking in their own backyard.
Together, they begin to dismantle the human trafficking ring. And the monsters they seek may be closer than they ever imagined.
As Ethan and Molly navigate the treacherous waters of deception and betrayal, they summon all their strength and courage to bring justice to the victims while fighting for their own lives—and their blossoming relationship.
The Everhart Family Saga delves into a resilient clan of six strong, dynamic women, five sisters led by their widowed mother. Set against the backdrop of the quaint yet vibrant town of Waverly Junction, South Dakota, each book speaks to the power of love, hope, and the unbreakable bonds that hold us together in the face of adversity.
R.L. Dunn resides on the beautiful Long Island, NY Gold Coast with her husband and two of her four children, an energetic mixed-breed dog Moe and two black cats, Luna and Stinky. She is a retired emergency medical services provider, deputy chief, educator and regional NYS faculty who has spent twenty-five years caring for others. When she was stricken with an illness that changed her life path, she turned to writing as a form of self-expression and therapy.
Robin is a member of the Long Island Romance Writers, and her leadership training in the first responder community has served her well in her previous roles as Secretary and President for LIRW and her current role as Vice President of Communications.
She is the creator of the Amazon best-selling Chase Security Series and Chase Care Series. She is also author of Blood Obsession, a crime thriller series and The Cure, a spine tingling thriller. And her newest series follows the Everhart Series. Her books are enjoyed by readers all over the world.
As far as the future goes, she continues to live a life worth living as there is no expiration date written on the bottom of her foot. She continues to use her professional background, medical contacts, law enforcement contacts, and military contacts to write many more romantic suspense novels in the future.