Tirupur S. GopalaKrishnan (GK) is qualified in many types of astrology. Within a period of twenty-five years, he has trained more than 27,000 students in various methods of astrology. Chozhi Prasannam, Ashta Mangala Prasannam, Jaamakol Prasannam, Thamboola Prasannam are some of the types of Prasannam taught by him to his students. He has written nine books on Prasannam. He has created new methods in astrology, given training in these methods and published them as books. He has also created a new method of Naadi Astrology, namely, ‘Chandra Naadi.’ He has trained students and also released books in many languages like Tamil, Hindi, English, Kannada and so on. He has also written and published the ‘Medical Astrology,’ both in English and Tamil. People from many states and countries have learned this from him in a very easy manner. He is now writing his 50th book. He aims to write one hundred books and familiarize people with astrology.