Many people have a dream to publish their book. But they don’t have an opportunity to do it. Amazon provides an amazing opportunity for indie writers to self publish their books. Kindle is known by everyone and when you publish your eBook it will be delivered to your indeed reader via kindle. Many of us have wonderful ideas, thoughts, knowledge and stuff but I believe book is the only way to transfer this feature from one people to another. Most of us show interest in writing books but they don't have an idea about how to publish and where to publish. This book will fulfill that gap and make your ideas transferable to others via kindle. This book contain a step by step guide for the readers to publish their book starting from basic formatting of text up to you get your payment. Below are the contents in the book
2)What to write- Think!
3)Set Up your KDP account- To get Paid
4)Format your book-To meet guidelines
5)Publishing my Book-Whoo!
6)Set up a Price for your book-To get Back
7)KDP select- Boost Sale
8)Sales and Royalty Report-Track Anywhere
9)Conclusion-Support me