So, the theme for the issue is 3-bute. We pay 3-bute to the iconic writers and artists of Tinkle with get-to-know features on Subba Rao, Luis Fernandes, Ram Waeerkar, VB Halbe, Pradeep Sathe and Dev Nadkarni. What’s more? Each feature is accompanied by a story from our Classics! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and a Sherlock Holmes ComiClassic feature in our 3-bute to famous authors. What better 3-bute to our beloved readers than a Fan Fiction story? And finally, we have a 3-bute to Tinkle Toons.
With an All-Toon issue, we have nearly all characters featuring in this issue, whether through individual stories or mash-ups. So, there’s Suppandi in his new avatar of Super Suppandi, Shikari Shambu, Dental Diaries, Ina Mina Mynah Mo, SuperWeirdoes, Tantri the Mantri... need we go on?
Not to be left behind are a Spotlight on one of Tinkle’s founders Subba Rao, Things You Didn’t Know About the Tinkle Team, and to wrap it all up, a sweet incident from Uncle Pai’s life. Oh, did we forget the FREE Tinkle Toon book labels inside the issue? Enjoy!