As standard practise most of the material in the PDF is available free of cost under appropriate headers.
Person in NEWS
Places in NEWS
Current Affairs
Schemes in NEWS
Rajasthan Government: New Policies
NEW Bills & Acts
Rajasthan Budget 2019-20
Total Pages: 117
A website dedicated to preparation of Rajasthan Administrative Services and Indian Administrative Services. The site intends to provide free knowledge/ information related to RAS exam, that can help to crack these Examination. The portal has also published its Ebooks/ PDF on various aspects & dimensions of Rajasthan. The vision of the portal is to consolidate all the relevant information related to Rajasthan – regarding its history, geography, culture, heritage, polity, governance, economy, environment etc into one single platform.
The foundation and idea behind Rajras is to: address lacunae of good quality study material in English medium for preparation of Rajasthan Administrative Services (RAS/RTS Exam by RPSC), create a platform where students from both mediums (English/Hindi) can participate and prepare for the examination and consolidate all information related to examination at one platform and make it available to students in multiple forms.