Deadworld is one of the longest running independent, acclaimed horror comic series, with over 1M copies sold that attacks the zombie menace from a different ‘supernatural’ perspective. The dead return to walk the earth...but this is no standard zombie story. In addition to having intelligent zombies with a mission and goal, Deadworld also explores the human interactions as mankind finds itself facing extinction. And while some groups organize in the best interests of self- preservation, others use this as an opportunity to explore their own self-deluded dreams. Deadworld is a story of horror...of survival...of hope and despair. It is an ongoing saga of modern man facing his darkest side...where science and technology are no longer his allies.
With Deadworld: Tattoo - The original creators of Deadworld Return!
Ralph Griffith and Stuart Kerr deliver a self-contained spin-off story from the Deadworld universe. Here is the saga of a female hybrid between the living and the dead known as Tattoo.
THIS ISSUE: "Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword" - Tattoo and her friends have succeeded in getting the Gatekeeper away from the zombies...for now. But they are soon tracked down by The Rasta Man and his legion of the dead. With their backs against the wall The Gatekeeper gives Tattoo a special blade that will help her on this crusade to destroy all of zombie-kind! The action-packed conclusion to the Tattoo mini-series.
A Caliber Comics release.