Dr. Raman Kumar is working as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Engineering since 2007. His major area of research is Cryptography, Security Engineering and Information security. He has published many papers in refereed journals, book chapters and conference proceedings on his research areas.
Dr. Sara Paiva is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, a PhD in Informatics Engineering from University of Vigo and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oviedo since January 2018, under advanced drivings assistants area. Sara Paiva coordinates ARC4DigiT, an Applied Research Center for Digital Transformation, created in January 2018 and currently under approval of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Her main line of research is mobility and mobile/IoT solutions applied to the promotion of social inclusion. She is frequent book editor of Springer and IGI books, has more than 30 publications in international journals and conferences, is a frequent reviewer of journals and international conferences and has oriented several final projects of Bachelor and Master in her main line of work.