Wife-and husband-team Randi and Nic Minetor have collaborated on more than twenty books about hiking, exploring historic cities, America’s national parks, and birds and nature. The team behind the popular book The New England Bird Lover’s Garden, they also worked together on eight Quick Reference Guides to the native birds, trees, and wildflowers of New York State, New York City, and the Mid-Atlantic States. Avid birders and seasoned road trippers, the Minetors collaborated on the best-selling Backyard Birding: A Guide to Attracting and Identifying Birds for Lyons Press.
When not in the car or on the trail, Randi is a journalist specializing in theater technology, medicine, and municipal utilities, and Nic is the resident lighting designer for several theatre and opera companies and museums in upstate New York. The Minetors live in Rochester, New York.