“Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?”
Sadly, there has been much division surrounding this one question. Many believe that the Holy Spirit in-dwells a person at the moment of their conversion. Others contest that baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate experience altogether.
Apostolic leader, theologian and healing minister, Randy Clark, shares about how this controversial and often misunderstood experience can be accessible to all Christians—including you!
Through engaging, practical teaching and powerful testimonies, you will learn how to:
All Christ-followers have the Holy Spirit living within them. And yet, there is more. When you are baptized in the Spirit you will experience new dimensions of God’s power resting upon you in a supernatural way!
Randy Clark, with a DMin from United Theological Seminary, is the founder of Global Awakening, a teaching, healing, and impartation ministry that crosses denominational lines. An in-demand international speaker, he leads the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening and travels extensively for conferences, international missions, leadership training, and humanitarian aid. Randy and his wife, DeAnne, live in Pennsylvania.