Understanding the principles in this book is the mental side of the training. Though out
your training you will need to develop your Spiritual (your walk with the Lord Jesus), the
Mental (principles and strategies) and the Physical (the martial art of American Ninjutsu).
Students over the years have talked about a day when everything just clicked. The
“click” happens when the spiritual, mental and physical all comes together. This is the
“Concept of One”. Most students “clicked” between blue belt and brown belt. The
objective of this book is to have the “click” happen sooner.
Don’ t worry if you do not completely understand the principles in this book right away.
As you progress through classes, a moment will come when the principle will click with
the application. Some principles are easier to grasp than others, just remember to never
give up and keep referring to this book.
After each principle some space is left open you can write notes of your own. Record the
things that help make the principles click, (techniques that relate to the principle, dates
that something clicked or rank that the principle made sense). It will be a diary of sorts
on your self-defense journey.
Good luck and good training,
Ray Rentschler