Dr Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo is a Fulbright Scholar and Senior Lecturer at the University of South Australia. He has (co)authored a number of publications in the areas of anti-money laundering, cyber and information security, and digital forensics including a book published in Springer's "Advances in Information Security book series and six Australian Government Australian Institute of Criminology refereed monographs. He has been an invited speaker for a number of events (e.g. 2011 UNODC-ITU Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Fighting Cybercrime and 2011 KANZ Broadband Summit 2011), and delivered Keynote/Plenary Speeches at ECPAT Taiwan 2008 Conference on Criminal Problems and Intervention Strategy, 2010 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and 2011 Economic Crime Asia Conference, and Invited Lecture at the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies. He was one of over 20 international (and one of two Australian) experts consulted by the research team preparing McAfee's commissioned report entitled "Virtual Criminology Report 2009: Virtually Here: The Age of Cyber Warfare; and his opinions on cyber crime and cyber security are regularly published in the media. In 2009, he was named one of 10 Emerging Leaders in the Innovation category of The Weekend Australian Magazine / Microsoft's Next 100 series. He is also the recipient of several awards including the 2010 Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Pearcey Award for "Taking a risk and making a difference in the development of the Australian ICT industry, 2008 Australia Day Achievement Medallion in recognition of my dedication and contribution to the Australian Institute of Criminology, and through it to the public service of the nation, British Computer Society's Wilkes Award for the best paper published in the 2007 volume of the Computer Journal, and the Best Student Paper Award by the 2005 Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy.Dr. Ryan Ko is a Senior Lecturer with the University of Waikato, New Zealand. He established New Zealand's first Masters degree in Cyber Security and first dedicated Cyber Security Lab at the University of Waikato. His main research areas are Cyber Security, Cloud Data Provenance and Cloud Computing Security and Trust. Prior to joining the faculty, he was a lead computer scientist with Hewlett-Packard (HP) Labs' Cloud and Security Lab and achieved first-in-the-world scientific breakthroughs in the area of cloud data provenance. Recipient of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Ron Knode Service Award, he is active as Research Advisor for CSA Asia Pacific, and serves as chair and board member of several cyber security industry consortia and chapters. He is also the co-founder and co-chair of the CSA Cloud Data Governance Working Group, the first CSA research group led by a chapter in Asia Pacific. Dr. Ko is currently the co-chair of the IEEE TSCloud (2011-2014), IEEE TSP 2013, IEEE UbiSafe 2012, CSA APAC Congress, and Associate Editor of Wiley's Security and Communication Networks, International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, Editor of ACM XRDS from 2009 to 2011, and Technical Program Committee member and reviewer for several academic conferences and journals (e.g. Elsevier Information Systems, IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Trans. in Services Computing, etc). Prior to HP Labs and his Ph.D., Ko was an entrepreneur with two startups, and was with Micron Technology, Inc. Ko has spoken on Cloud Security at several locations in USA and Asia Pacific. He holds 3 international patents and is a member of the IEEE, ACM and AAAI. Most recently, he was one of 14 international subject matter experts selected by (ISC)2 to develop a new international certification like the CISSP for cloud security professionals