In the title story, FIREGAZER, Jay's uncle convinces him to look deep into the flames of an enchanted lantern and he follows the sparks to...
...THE MAN IN THE ATTIC, where a boy awakens a sleeping golem to protect himself from harm, but when the golem's power is unleashed, no one is safe.
Jay again follows the sparks to...
...I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS, where another boy believes that his mother has been taken to a better place by Santa Claus himself. But the police suspect something far worse.
Jay follows the sparks beyond the stars to...
...THE MUSHROOM FARM where a boy and his sister discover a man at their habitat on a planet far from Earth. At first they think he might be their salvation, but then must fight to keep him from becoming their destruction.
Jay emerges back in his own time to discover the secrets behind the lantern and the reasons for his uncle's quest.
NOTE: Two of these stories, THE MAN IN THE ATTIC and I SAW MOMMY KISSING SANTA CLAUS have been included in other short story collections.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Cantrell has published twelve novels in over ten different languages. Her novels have won the ITW Thriller, the Macavity, and the Bruce Alexander awards. In addition, they have been nominated for the GoodReads Choice for Horror, the Barry, the RT Reviewers Choice, and the APPY awards. She lives in Hawaii with her husband, son, and a slightly deranged cat named Twinkle where she goes overboard with her Halloween decorations every year.