This monograph on recent progress in atherosclerosis research presents state-of-the art morphological investigations on the cells and their metabolism in the atherosclerotic plaque in situ. The spectrum of methods includes immunohistologic and immunoelectron microscopic investigations on the localization of apolipoproteins in the cells of the arterial intima, presenting new data on the lipoprotein metabolism in plaque. The collagen metabolism is analysed by in situ hybridization techniques for demonstrating the synthesis of different collagen types on the messenger RNA level. Concentrating on in situ investigations with sophisticated morpholocial methods, the widespread discussion on atherogenesis is focused on the arterial wall and its morphological alterations. As morphology remains the basis for understanding the pathogenesis of disease, the results presented here could be of interest not only to pathologists, but also to clinicians and researchers working in the field of biology of atherosclerosis.