Kurt Busiek has been writing comics professionally since three days before he graduated from college in 1982, when he sold a "Tales of the Green Lantern Corps" backup story that appeared in "Green Lantern #162." Since then, he's worked on just about everything from "Action Comics" to "Zot!," including runs on "Avengers," "Superman," "Conan" and others, and has co-created "Thunderbolts," "The Autumnlands," "Arrowsmith" and more. He's best known for his work on the multiple-award-winning "Marvels" and "Astro City."
Mario Alberti is an award-winning Italian artist who has illustrated "Nathan Never" (Sergio Bonnelli) and several covers for DC Comics and the bestselling "Spider-Man & the X-Men" (Marvel).
Sam Timel is an American author known for writing the series "Milan K." and contributing to "Redhand: Twilight of the Gods".
Bazal (Oscar Bazaldua) is a veteran Mexican comics artist whose work includes "Retroworld," also from Humanoids.