James G. Speight earned a BSc and a PhD in chemistry from the University of Manchester, England. Since 1998, he has been employed at CD&W Inc. as a consultant/author/lecturer on energy and environmental issues. Dr. Speight has more than 40 years of experience in areas associated with the properties and recovery of reservoir fluids. His work has also focused on the environmental effects and remediation technologies related to fossil fuel and synthetic fuel processing. Dr. Speight is the author of more than 400 publications, reports, and presentations and has taught more than 70 courses. He is the author and coauthor of more than 50 books and bibliographies related to fossil fuels, synthetic fuels, biofuels, fuel processing, and environmental issues. He is also the recipient of several awards.
Douglas I. Exall, P.Eng., is an engineering consultant in oil and gas production and processing technologies. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Natal in South Africa. He has published journal articles, industrial R&D reports, conference papers, and patents, and has experience teaching in most areas of chemical engineering. Dr. Exall has worked as a research manager in the oil and gas industry and research organizations in Canada, and as a professor or adjunct professor at universities in several countries. His consulting work has included reviewing options for the re-refining of lubricating oils, the available processes and technologies, and their economic viability.