This book was previously published as a special issue of Immigrants and Minorities.
Stefan Manz is Senior Lecturer and Director of German Studies at Aston University, UK. His microhistorical study on the German ethnic community in nineteenth century Glasgow was published as Migranten und Internierte: Deutsche in Glasgow, 1864-1918 (2003). Other publications include co-edited volumes on Discourses of Intercultural Identity in Britain, Germany and Eastern Europe (2004) and Migration and Transfer from Germany to Britain, 1660-1914 (2007). Current projects include studies on German-Polish relations and on the German diaspora during the nineteenth century. Dr. Manz is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Panikos Panayi is Professor of European History at De Montfort University, UK. He is also a corresponding member of the Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. Previouys publications include Life and Death in a German Town: Osnabrück from the Weimar Republic to World War Two and Beyond (2007) and Spicing Up Britain: The Multicultural History of British Food (2008). His current research interests include the history of immigration in Britain since 1800 and German prisoners of war in Britain between 1914 and 1920.