The expert contributors in this volume discuss the experiences of a wide range of North American, European and Asian countries with high technology regulation to address four key questions related to the past and future development of agri-food genomics regulation across the globe.
By updating, extending and challenging earlier empirical and theoretical social science perspectives on agricultural bio-technological regulation, this volume helps to inform future policy formulation. It will be of interest to practitioners and students of biotechnology, agriculture, and science and technology policy, and regulatory processes more generally.
Michael Howlett is Burnaby Mountain Chair in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University, and specializes in public policy analysis and resource and environmental policy. He has authored or edited over 20 volumes, including most recently Canadian Public Policy (2012) and the Routledge Handbook of Public Policy (2012).
David Laycock is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Simon Fraser University, and focuses his research on political ideologies, democratic theory, Canadian party politics, public policy, and the politics of biotechnology. His published work includes Policy Analysis in Canada (2007), Representation and Democratic Theory (2004).