Reiner R. Dumke is currently working at the Ottovon-Guericke-University of Magdeburg, Germany, as a professor with software engineering as a research field. He is one of the founders of the Software Measurement Laboratory of the Computer Science Department of the University of Magdeburg and coeditor of the Measurement News Journal. He is leader of the German interest group on software metrics, and he works as a member of the COSMIC, DASMA, MAIN, IEEE, and ACM communities. He received a diploma-degree (MS) in mathematics in 1970, followed in 1980 by a PhD, with a dissertation in computer science about the efficiency of database projects. He is the author and editor of more than thirty books about programming techniques, software metrics, metrics tools, software engineering foundations, component-based software development, and Web engineering.
Alain Abran holds a PhD in electrical and computer engineering (1994) from ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Canada) and master degrees in management sciences (1974) and electrical engineering (1975) from the University of Ottawa. He is a professor and the director of the Software Engineering Research Laboratory at the ecole de Technologie Superieure (ETS)-Universite du Quebec (Montreal, Canada). He has over fifteen years of experience in teaching in a university environment, as well as more than twenty years of industry experience in information systems development and software engineering. His research interests include software productivity and estimation models, software engineering foundations, software quality, software functional size measurement, software risk management, and software maintenance management. Dr. Abran has been a coeditor of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) (see ISO 19759 and, and is the chairman of the Common Software Measurement International Consortium (COSMIC) (