With the use of this framework and its six interrelated dimensions, the nine studies included in this volume explore key topics for English-Medium Education in Multilingual University Settings (EMEMUS) from diverse perspectives. These range from multi-sited, meta-level approaches critically analysing different countries and their realisations of EMEMUS to using ROAD-MAPPING as a methodological tool to analyse all its dimensions or place the lens on a particular aspect. By doing so, the contributions demonstrate the strength of the ROAD-MAPPING framework for investigating and understanding the complex nature of EMEMUS.
The volume makes a valuable contribution to the development of EMEMUS research and is thus highly recommended for scholars, policymakers and students interested in one of the most fast-growing (and contested) research areas in applied linguistics today.
Emma Dafouz is Professor of Applied Linguistics at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
Ute Smit is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Vienna, Austria.