This third volume of the Reset DOC “Russia Workshop” collects a selection of the Dimensions and Challenges of Russian Liberalism conference proceedings, providing a broad set of insights into the Russian liberal experience through a dialogue between past and present, and intellectual and empirical contextualization, involving historians, jurists, political scientists and theorists.
The first part focuses on the Imperial period, analyzing the political philosophy and peculiarities of pre-revolutionary Russian liberalism, its relations with the rule of law (Pravovoe Gosudarstvo), and its institutionalization within the Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets). The second part focuses on Soviet times, when liberal undercurrents emerged under the surface of the official Marxist-Leninist ideology. After Stalin’s death, the “thaw intelligentsia” of Soviet dissidents and human rights defenders represented a new liberal dimension in late Soviet history, while the reforms of Gorbachev’s “New Thinking” became a substitute for liberalism in the final decade of the USSR.Riccardo Mario Cucciolla is a postdoctoral research fellow in the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow. He holds a Ph.D. in Political History (IMT Lucca, 2016). Since 2012, he has also been teaching contemporary history, history of international relations, and history of political parties and movements, while coordinating a course as adjunct professor in Russian history and politics at LUISS Guido Carli in Rome. He specializes in the political history of Soviet Russia and Central Asia—particularly in the evolution of Soviet center–periphery relations during perestroika—and his research interests include history of international relations, military history, history of journalism and colonial studies. For Reset, he has edited the volumes The Power State is Back? The Evolution of Russian Political Thought After 1991 (Rome: Reset, 2016), and State and Political Discourse in Russia (Rome: Reset, 2017). Currently, he works on a book about the crisis of the Soviet periphery during the “Uzbek cotton affair” (1975-1991).