Richard Faragher is Professor of Biological Gerontology at the University of Brighton and is past Chair of the British Society for Research on Ageing, the International Association of Biomedical Gerontology and the American Aging Association. He read Biochemistry at Imperial College, London and undertook doctoral studies on human premature ageing at the University of Sussex. His primary research interest is the relationship between cellular senescence and organismal ageing. He has published widely on the phenotype of senescent cells and on compounds that reverse the process.He holds the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Conference Science Medal for his work on the mechanisms of Werner’s syndrome, the Help the Aged ‘Living Legend’ award for his championship of older people, the Paul F Glenn Award for research into the mechanisms of ageing and the British Society for Research on Ageing’s highest honour, the Lord Cohen of Birkenhead Medal. Professor Faragher is a Fellow of the American Aging Association and has served as a member of the Research Advisory Council of the Charity Research into Ageing and on strategy and funding panels for the BBSRC, the US National Institutes on Ageing and the European Union. From 2005-2008 he was Co-director of the BBSRC-EPSRC SPARC programme, a research network designed to build national capacity to conduct inter-disciplinary ageing research. He is currently a Director of the American Federation for Aging Research, serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Longevity Vision Fund and co-directs the BBSRC-MRC funded Building Links in Ageing Science and Translation (BLAST) research network.