A Google user
Most people, do not have the misfortune, as I do, to have an actual photographic memory, while there are many blessings assoiacted with such a gift, it is also frought with pitfalls, as your responsibility to keep your Family, Community, Corporation, and Country true to it's actual narrative, not one a fanciful, and distorted one that usually has Large amounts of money trying to turn revisionisim into dividends. Google, just in the last five years has pushed artifical intelligence and design to levels and presipeces that even Job's himself could not have envisioned as the Wealthiest Psychiatric Patient in American History, Ross Perot, picked him up and dusted him off as chapter one with Apple closed. If I had one criticism to offer forward it would be parallel to what my cab driver and I were talking about last night as to how, say, the Reagen Administration Economic Policies of 1982, are very much playing out still within our Country, Politically,Sociologically, and Culturally 30 years removed. The brave New World that has taken us from fighting over the Atari controls in 1977, as we Ponged ourselves into desensization, albeit, a minor hipcup in Comparision with Where Google would