Featuring an entertaining cast of characters including the MacGregor teens' new friend, Roy Nageak, an Inupiat native, Czar of Alaska is fast paced and action packed. Vivid descriptions of the exhilarating Alaskan mountains create the setting for a harrowing encounter with a grizzly bear, daring dogsled and helicopter excursions, and plenty of sibling rivalry and family challenges. With the aid of a local historian, the Russian Orthodox priests, a member of the native Alutiq tribe, and a seasoned FBI agent, the MacGregors strive to recover lost treasures and unwittingly find themselves trapped in a situation that has them fighting for their lives. As with all of Richard Trout's books in the MacGregor Family Adventure Series, the book begins with a description of a historic event, putting readers in the throes of an a.d. 788 battle in the Bavarian Alps that sets the drama of the Cross of Charlemagne in motion.