In this thought-provoking prophetic allegory written in the genre of The Final Quest, author Rick Joynertakes you on a journey of learning how to defeat the enemy, both within and without. Trek through the Valley of the Shadow of Death with a band of bold Christians as they discover strategies to overcome enemy strongholds, defeat death, and set the captives free. Along the way, you’ll experience the joys of close fellowship while gleaning wisdom from Elijah, Enoch, and a very special dinner host—the Lord Himself.
Rick Joyner has authored more than sixty books, including The Christian Duty to Resist Tyranny, The Final Quest Trilogy, Overcoming Evil in the Last Days, The Second American Revolution/Civil War, and Marxism’s Strategy for Destroying America. He is the Founder of MorningStar Ministries, a multi-faceted mission organization known around the world.