The book improves awareness and advances knowledge on the complex and changeable risk and risk management fields of study. It interweaves among topical, up-to-date issues, peculiar, under-investigated contexts, and differentiated, complementary viewpoints on the same themes. Therefore, the book is a must-read for scholars and researchers, as well as practitioners and policy makers, interested in a better understanding of risk and risk management studies in different fields.
Cristina Florio is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Verona, Italy. Her research interests and expertise focus on accounting, auditing, integrated reporting, disclosure around sustainability scandals, and enterprise risk management. She serves the American Accounting Association as International Council Member-at-Large. Cristina lectures in financial accounting and coordinates a laboratory on research methods.
Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala is an Associate Professor and Researcher at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. Her research interests and expertise merge risk management and financial management, with a special interest in the buffering role of financial slack, financial outcomes of business interruptions, and environmental risks. She gained professional experience in risk management and property insurance as an insurance broker.
Philip Linsley is a Professor of Accounting and Risk at the York Management School, University of York, UK. His research interests are risk-related and include investigating risk disclosure, and risk and culture. He is particularly interested in applying the ideas of Mary Douglas to accounting. Philip is also a qualified chartered accountant and has significant experience as an academic lecturer and researcher.
Philip Shrives is Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Corporate Governance at Northumbria University, UK. He is a Chartered Accountant and a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. Prior to his retirement he lectured in accounting, risk reporting, corporate governance, impression management, and research methods. He was previously Director of Academic Staff Development. He has authored articles in prestigious journals including The British Accounting Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, and Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.