Longer Steak Bake Description.
In the future, vampires rule. Jason works in a sporting goods store. There is fifteen staff in his workplace, he is the only vampire. Every day a different staff member presents themselves at the beginning, middle and end of the day, it’s the norm, it’s just the way things are.
Once it was one hundred humans per vampire, Jason just received an email from the ‘Central Vampire Command’ saying that a new vampire would be arriving. Soon he would be down to a food rotation of seven humans.
As the vampire population grows, due to rogue vampires not adhering to the CVC’s ‘solution’ the human population continues to dwindle and the feeding grounds become dense.
Jason snaps and takes into his own hands to track, hunt, and kill the bastards that are making his food rations even smaller.
Read about it all on Steak Bakes blog.
Funny, violent, Scottish with strong and offensive language written in a blog-style.