Key Features
Robert King is a psychology lecturer at University College Cork, in the school of Applied Psychology. He lectures on social and biological psychology—especially in the field of human sexual behaviour—as well as on the history and philosophy of science, research methods, statistics, and behavioural genetics. He is the co-director of the Masters in Mental Health which has close ties to local health care providers, and he participates in the clinical courses. King writes an (almost) monthly column for Psychology Today which typically gets over 30k reads when he blogs about sexual behavior ( ). He also also writes for Quillette online journal about the same topics. Quillette articles typically get 2m+ hits and has a subscribed base of 70k ( ) King published in the peer reviewed literature on human sexual behavior, especially female orgasm, in several journals, including the highest impact factor journal in the field of human sexual behaviour—namely Archives of Sexual Behavior.