Whenever you say that you're "gifted," people automatically assume it simply means that you think you're smarter than anyone else, or just exceptionally smart. Although being very intelligent is a part of that "gifted" label we give some people, it's not the full truth. There is so much more to it.
Being gifted is a whole set of qualities, frustrations, traits, characteristics, and situations that accompany an intelligent mind. Being "gifted" sounds as if it is all beneficial, and to a degree, there is a lot you can do with that gift. But if you're really gifted, a certain number of challenges will come your way too. Here are some of those challenges you will read about:
- Other people may not understand the fast way you process information and lay connections between one thing and another. This can be frustrating.
- Gifted people are often introverted, but being gifted is a certain push or drive that doesn't equal the exact same description of simply being an introvert. It's still different.
- A high intelligence quotient has its pros and cons. Certain professions and puzzles can more easily be solved.
- If you're gifted, you may be a big perfectionist, feel like you never do enough, and have a high energy that compels you to achieve more and get more done.
- Gifted people don't always understand why other people don't think the same way, but surprisingly, they have a lot of empathy, unlike those in the autistic spectrum. They are sensitive to others' feelings and easily sense when something is going wrong.
- A long focus, an inner motivation, and a self-regulating, independent work ethic are usually part of being gifted.
- Gifted people analyze things to the core, which often helps them figure out things.
- You might have a strong sense of justice, which can be really frustrating in a world where evil prevails in every corner.
- If you're one of those people who cannot stop thinking and talks really fast when aligning his or her thoughts, this may be a sign of giftedness too. That fast thinking pace is a blessing when you are trying to make progress, but a curse if you're trying to sleep and your head is full of ideas.
These are only a few of the many topics discussed in this elaborate guide. There are examples, stories, and relatable explanations of what your brain might be like when you're gifted.