Nestled in the heart of England is the small city of Nottingham. Today it is home to a variety of tourist attractions. The most famous is Sherwood Forest--the legendary home of Robin Hood. Nottingham's library includes more than 700 different books about this outlaw, who is best-known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. And it's not just Nottingham. The adventures of Robin Hood have become the subject of countless movies, cartoons, and bedtime stories around the globe. Nearly everyone knows his name and exploits. But was Robin Hood a real, living person? Is his story based on actual events? Or is it merely a legend?Like many legends, the story of Robin Hood includes both facts and fiction. The story has been told and retold for centuries. Certainly, it has changed along the way. One might compare the tale to the telephone game. In this popular classroom exercise, a sentence is whispered from one person to another until it reaches the other side of the room. By the time the last whisper has been spoken, the sentence has usually changed at least a bit. One person may have heard a word incorrectly. Another might have replaced a word or two to make the statement more exciting or funny. This is likely the case with Robin Hood as well.
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