Mo Daoust
From the very first pages, it’s easy to understand Faith’s terror: Burke is one scary dude! I admit I thought that the heroine’s ex being a psychopathic serial killer was a bit of overkill – if you will pardon the pun – but I liked how it contributed to make us see another facet of Faith’s personality. Léon also has quite an unusual past, and I found it interesting that, apart from Zoe, most characters wear masks: they all hide their true identity in one way or another, for various reasons. The romance between Faith and Léon progressed surprisingly realistically, and Zoe came across as remarkably normal. I appreciated how Robin Perini chose to portray how Zoe related to both her parents as well as Léon. LAST STAND IN TEXAS is a fast-paced romantic suspense, with a complex storyline and quite a bit of drama. The action never stops, and although it is book 10 in the Carder Texas Connections, it stands perfectly on its own. It’s heavy on the suspense, and the romance is convincing.