Our bodies, minds, emotions, thoughts, actions, and everything around us are all formed of energy, as ‘multi-disciplinary genius’ and inventor Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to comprehend the cosmos, consider it in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
The chakras are basically energy centers scattered throughout the subtle body (‘subtle’ refers to something we can’t see but can clearly feel energetically). Consider the chakras to be spinning energy wheels that rotate simultaneously to generate a combination of energy and life force. There are seven chakras, each positioned in different parts of the body and representing a different aspect of our energy body.
When the chakras are balanced and spinning effortlessly, life is beautiful. We experience a sense of fullness in all aspects—emotional, mental, and physical; mind, body, and soul. Our relationships, conversations, actions, goals, and interests just flow.
Chakra balancing is a diverse and interesting practice. It doesn’t have to take hours, and there are several therapies and do-it-yourself techniques to choose from. This topic, however, has a wealth of knowledge and depth—depth that cannot be mastered at once. What can be done is to deal with each chakra individually, learning what it symbolizes, how it affects the body, mind, and soul, and how to heal it. That’s the reason behind this “Chakra Guidebook” series.
Each book in this series focuses on a specific chakra and provides different strategies for balancing and healing it. Each book is a stand-alone guide to a particular chakra. You will discover all there is to know about that specific chakra. This part is solely dedicated to the Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra, or Anahata, is the fourth of your seven chakras and is located in the center of your chest. The Sanskrit word means “Unstruck” or “Unbeaten,” and refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound, or the sound of the divine realm.
People with a balanced Heart Chakra may see beyond a person’s flaws to appreciate the beauty in their soul. As a result, they find it simpler to accept and forgive others and don’t hold grudges.
It is unique because it is the fourth of the seven chakras, making it the system’s exact midway point and the unifier of the physical and spiritual chakras. The Heart Chakra works as a bridge between worldly matters and spiritual aspirations by linking the lower three chakras—the Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus—with the top three chakras—the Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. This deepens your affinities for love, tenderness, and endearment. This chakra represents your ability to love without discrimination.
In This Book, You’ll Discover:
✔️A Basic Introduction to Chakras
✔️Common Chakras Myths
✔️Importance of Heart Chakra in Your Body
✔️Significance of Heart Chakra Balancing
✔️Blocked Heart Chakra Symptoms
✔️What Causes Heart Chakra Blockage?
✔️Heart Chakra Balancing Techniques (Visualization, Pranayamas/Breathwork, Affirmations, Mantras, Aromatherapy, Crystals, Yoga, Reiki, Food, Herbs, Sound Therapy, Meditation, and more)
✔️Symptoms Your Heart Chakra is Opening
✔️And Much More
This book is packed with all the information, tips, and techniques that will make sure that you can effectively heal, balance, and open your Heart Chakra.
Now don’t bother, claim your copy right away!!
We've advanced a lot. However, with this advancement, we have brought many mishaps upon ourselves as well. Today, we are dealing with so many things that affect our health adversely. Be it mobile phones, our eating habits, or our lifestyle in general.
There is an urgent need for practices that heals the body while keeping the other body parts undisturbed, which aims at bettering the human lifestyle, soothes the mind, and calms the soul. And that is why the world is looking up to alternative therapies like Ayurveda and Spiritual practices. People are increasingly realizing the significance and intelligence behind these ancient systems and trying to adopt them to be happy and fulfilled.
Rohit Sahu is a known Indian Ayurveda and Spirituality author. He has been writing on the subject for over 7 years.
Rohit loves to read and write self-help books related to the overall health and wellness of the human body. He takes a whole different approach and solves an issue at a time. His books are based on ancient treasures which one can seek to be content, happy, and healthy in all aspects of well-being (Mind, Body, and Soul).