Ronald W. Hardy is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and past Director of the Aquaculture Research Institute at the University of Idaho, Moscow. Dr Hardy received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in Fisheries, conducting his dissertation on the effects of dietary protein and pyridoxine levels on growth and disease resistance of Chinook salmon. He is a member of the American Institute of Nutrition and the World Aquaculture Society, serving as the Vice President of the latter from 2001 to 2003. In addition to co-editing the previous edition of Fish Nutrition, he has authored over 50 books and book chapters, and over 300 scientific papers, proceedings and popular articles on fish feed and fish nutrition. He served as chair of the committee that produced the 2011 National Research Council (NRC) bulletin Nutrient Requirements of Fish and Shrimp.
Sadasivam J. Kaushik earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the prestigious Presidency College of Madras University in India. He received his Doctor of Science degree from the University of Bretagne Occidentale, France, for his work on the influence of salinity on nitrogen metabolism and arginine requirement of rainbow trout. As an active member of the committee on fish nutrition and production of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences, he was actively involved in fish nutrition research and training. He was the director of the INRA – IFREMER Joint research units on fish nutrition, and also headed the hydrobiology research station at Saint Pée sur Nivelle, France. He has co-authored more than 300 scientific papers and books on fish nutrition and feeding. Has been active in coordinating European research projects in fish nutrition and metabolism. Further to his retirement from INRA, he held a European research area chair position in the University of Las Palmas, Spain.