Ditzy Here
*spoliers* This story has made me so irrationally angry. I was sitting here fuming during the big reveal. 3 people knew the truth about the other women and 0 of them told the main character which resulted in a separation. Her husband supposedly never had an affair with Edna, who the Mc found her in bed with together naked. Instead of telling his wife what happened he let her leave with their young daughter. Why didn’t he tell the truth? He didn’t want to humiliate Edna, who got drunk and waited for him in his bed naked. Yep. He was more worried about this business partner being a little embarrassed by her own sh*tty choices instead of preserving his marriage. Edna was a real piece of work. Because the MC ran out and didn’t confront them when she saw them naked she decided the MC wasn’t good enough for her husband. What??? Is this woman on drugs??? She should have been the first to try and clear up the misunderstanding. When MC came back she was implying she and the husband were still banging. She’s such a psycho and I would have punched her in the face and demanded my husband have nothing else to do with her or leave him. The 3rd person who knew everything was the husband’s older sister who didn’t like the MC and thought Edna was a better choice. That’s right, his sister treated the MC like trash when she came back because the condition was, for the daughter, the wife had to come back as part of the will. The sister actually had a conversation with their father talking about what a good woman the MC was and still wouldn’t give her a chance. So they were all testing this poor MC when she was acting like a normal woman. She apparently wasn’t standing up for herself by leaving her marriage when she discovered infidelity. Ick ick ick.what disgusting characters.