In the dusty desert of the Australian Outback, Max's life revolves around taking jaded tourists up in his plane, finding joy only in the moments spent in the sky. His routine is disrupted when a Japanese man named Hiroki appears, trying to persuade him to join a band of misfits in Ireland. Initially, Max rebuffs Hiroki, haunted by past traumas that surface in his dreams.
As Max struggles with his inner demons, Hiroki persistently offers him a chance to chase a new dream. It isn't until Max's precious plane is damaged that he begins to reconsider Hiroki's proposition. Can he uproot his entire existence for a band of strangers?
Up in the Air is a gripping prequel short story to the epic urban fantasy trilogy, Guardians of the PHAE.
Join Max now on a thrilling adventure where the line between ordinary and extraordinary blurs, and the choices made will shape the fate of worlds.