Royal Holiday

Ā· Penguin
13 įŒįˆįŒˆįˆ›į‹Žį‰½
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From the New York Times bestselling author of The Proposal and a ā€œrising star in the romance genreā€ (Entertainment Weekly) comes a dazzling novel about a spontaneous holiday vacation that turns into an unforgettable romance.

Vivian Forest has been out of the country a grand total of one time, so when she gets the chance to tag along on her daughter Maddieā€™s work trip to England to style a royal family member, she canā€™t refuse. Sheā€™s excited to spend the holidays taking in the magnificent British sights, but what she doesnā€™t expect is to become instantly attracted to a certain private secretary, his charming accent, and unyielding formality.

Malcolm Hudson has worked for the Queen for years and has never given a personal, private tourā€”until now. He is intrigued by Vivian the moment he meets her and finds himself making excuses just to spend time with her. When flirtatious banter turns into a kiss under the mistletoe, things snowball into a full-on fling.

Despite a ticking timer on their holiday romance, they are completely fine with ending their short, steamy affair come New Yearā€™s Day...or are they?

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Jasmine Guillory is the New York Times bestselling author of seven romance novels, including The Wedding Date and the Reese Witherspoon x Hello Sunshine Book Club PickĀ The Proposal. Her work has appeared in O, The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Bon Appetit, and Time. She lives in Oakland, California.

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