As Science Officer for a fledgling Earth colony on an alien planet, Brent is the first port of call when they discover that something--or someone--on the planet is killing off colonists. One by one.
Together with Medical Officer Kelley, Brent must use his analytical brain and his scientific training in the race to find a solution. But time is running out.
As the killings increase in frequency, they face the stark realisation that their colony could become unviable, and that the unthinkable could become reality. Unless they can find a solution...
:: The Final Solution was a finalist in the Hugh Howey / Booktrack fanfic short story competition, and is set in a new colony in the Half Way Home universe, with Hugh's kind permission.
Keywords: Aliens mysteries mystery action adventure clean wool suspense short story short read British scifi sci-fi science fiction colonisation colonisation planet explorers colonists space opera monster YA young adult teens dystopian first contact
USA Today Bestselling Author Roz Marshall pens romantic women's fiction, contemporary fantasy, and clean small-town romance. She loves writing uplifting stories set in her native Scotland, with strong heroines and page-turning plot lines.
A software engineer turned ski instructor turned author, she spends her spare time on horseback exploring the glorious Scottish countryside, or with her hubby and their talkative cat and squirrel-obsessed Jack Russell🙂