Ruihau Chen was born in Taiwan. At the age of 21, he went to a specialized school in Japan to study Japanese and animation. At the age of 24, he transferred to the School of Visual Arts in New York to study computer art. After years of accumulated experience, in 2015, for the first time in the form of electronic comics, he tried to publish his own story, Hyperjump, for an art creator, sharing his creation and getting everyone's recognition is his life The only wish.
陳ズイコウ は台湾で生まれ、21 歳で日本の専門学校に通い、日本語とアニメーションを学び、24 歳でニューヨークのスクール オブ ビジュアル アーツに転校してコンピューター アートを学びました。 長年の経験の蓄積の後、2015 年に初めて電子コミックの形で、彼は自分の物語、