Molla Nasiruddin was a person from Turkey in the Middle East who was famous for his intelligence all around the world. It was almost impossible to outwit him. As per the historical evidence, he lived in Anatolia that is present day Turkey. He was a learned scholar and his stories spread among the tribal community of Turkey and expanded further to Persia, Arabia, China and India. Thus one could sense the essence of the fusion of Asian and Islamic culture through his narratives. Initially, his narratives were written in manuscripts and were enlarged further during the course of time by various writers. He had become the embodiment of chucklesome intelligentsia as described by the famous writer-director Mr. Satyajit Ray. The vivid portrayal of Nasiruddin’s character by Mr. Ray had unfolded different aspects of his personality; sometimes as a strict teacher or a helpless husband; a clown who had been trapped by the court minister or an immature son; but undoubtedly each one of his stories left a lesson for us to learn. His jokes were remembered by the people for different purposes down the ages - some merely for humour and some for their meaning and wisdom. Molla Nasiruddin was the most popular character of comic tales who was even more famous for his great sense of humour.