A new threat emerged in Neo City as a mysterious computer virus named Vega began infecting citizens with cybernetic implants, turning them into zombie-like drones under her control.
Cosmos, Nova, and Nia traced Vega's signal to a secret underground digitizer lab run by the notorious hacker group Cyber Syndicate. Our heroes infiltrated the lab and hacked into the mainframe where Vega's consciousness dwelled.
A battle of wits and code ensued as Cosmos and Nia confronted Vega in the cyberspace core. Just when all seemed lost, Nova used her psychic powers to free the infected citizens from Vega's control. Outnumbered, Vega was forced to retreat, vowing vengeance.
I've always been fascinated by the idea of exploring the cyberverse and the potential to advance civilization. I wanted to delve into the concept of two people, Cosmos and Nova, who act as protectors of the cyberverse, keeping it safe from threats and ensuring its continued existence. The merging of futuristic technology and cyber exploration intrigued me, and I felt compelled to share this vision through a book, hoping to inspire others with the wonder and possibilities of the cyberverse.