Sonja Starc is Associate Professor for the Slovene Language at the University of Primorska, Slovenia. Previously she has worked as a teacher in a Slovene in high school, an adviser on the National Institute of Education and National Examination centre, and an editor of the journal Slovene in Schools. She has organized international conferences, and publishes articles in Slovene and English.
Carys Jones has taught and researched on how language helps learning at King's College London, UK, in Education and the allied health disciplines over many years. Her publications are about her interests in systemic functional linguistics and complementing approaches. She initiated and, until recently, ran the Language in Higher Education Research Group.
Arianna Maiorani is Senior Lecturer in Linguistics in the English and Drama Department of Loughborough University, UK, where she teaches linguistics and dance theatre. She has extensively published in the fields of SFL and Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis with a particular focus on filmic discourse, online environments and the semiotics of space. A former dancer and still a professional choreographer, she is currently working on a SFL approach to the semiotics of dance movement.