This anthology named 'Pebbles into The Water:2020' is the heart-felt delineation of feelings and ideas of 25 brilliant poets, selected from different regions of India. The anthology not only tries to mirror the ethos of India but also touches the issues- universal in appeal. The poetic pieces contained in it represent different hues of the rainbow of life- love, joy, happiness, hopelessness, resilience, resentment and appreciation. The themes of exploitation, corruption, rat- race for material -gains, terrorism, women- empowerment, devotion to God and of course different shades of love - painful as well as ecstatic, have been painted beautifully on the canvas of 436 pages of brilliant poetry. The fine imagery along with rhythm and music will surely touch the hearts of readers and elevate them to a new sense of poetic pleasure. Many lines are worth recitation and quoting. Dear Readers, read, learn and enjoy!