I enjoy the story and development so far. It's a shame for the low reviews which reflects how google play store mishandled the series rather than the story itself. A month ago, the title was accidentally mislabeled as a released book for purchase, not pre-order, when it was just a 23 page teaser. The support team was able to fix it and put it back into pre-order status but there's still those unchanged reviews :/
5 people found this review helpful
Nigel Bumatay
I can't wait for vol 10 to be translated. I already saw the its cover on Amazon. I think we're going to have some lighter events than this one. Anyhow, this one is a great read where new secrets will be revealed and new mysteries introduced.
5 people found this review helpful
William Gilpin
it's a good series, dont listen to the nay sayers that obviously dont realize that they paid for a pre order and got a small sample of the book to read, then complained about it.
9 people found this review helpful