In the book Samuel takes you through his personal journey and how he got to where he is today followed by a step-by-step, illustrated description of the strategy he uses and the principles that underlie his approach.
Having described the way he trades, Samuel then journals ninety days' worth of market operations with full explanations as to how and why he enters each and every trade, the results he achieves and his thoughts on the markets he operates in.
Fully illustrated and set out in an easy to follow format, Diary of a Currency Trader takes you into the daily operations of a retail trader to an unprecedented level of detail. If you are looking to discover what it actually means to trade forex full time, this book is for you.
Having completed his Economics BSc Degree in Manchester, Samuel Rae quickly discovered that the retail Forex industry was for him. A short foray into the corporate world drove him to search for an alternative to the more traditional ways of making a living, and in becoming a retail trader he has achieved exactly that.
Through persistent market participation and extensive education he has grown to become a specialist in both fundamental and technical analysis.
His personal trading style combines classic candlestick analysis with a simple, logical and risk management driven approach to the financial markets - a strategy that is described and demonstrated in his Diary of a Currency Trader.