Dr. Santosh Kumar is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur, India. Dr. Kumar received his B.Sc, M.Sc. in Chemistry and D. Phil. in Organic Chemistry from University of Allahabad, India. During his career, Dr. Kumar has published a more than 70 research papers and book chapters. He also served as a member of different organizing committees and an editorial board member and reviewer at a number of scientific journals. Current research interest involves source apportionment of chemical modification, optical and biological properties of chitosan biopolymer for biomedical applications, hydrogel, aerogel, nanocomposite materials, drug & gene delivery and environmental chemistry.
Sundararajan V. Madihally is a Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA. His scientific interests are in the following areas: Molecular Bioengineering, Characterization of chitosan-based scaffolds for tissue engineering, tissue regeneration using stem cells, exploring novel approaches for delivering therapeutic agents, and developing devices for biomedical applications. He was the Guest Editor for Cell Adhesion and Migration, and served on the international editorial board of Biomaterials journal. He reviews manuscripts for more than 100 journals, and serves on review panels for various organizations.