In this book, Sara Laviosa proposes a translation-based pedagogy that is grounded in theory and has been applied in real educational contexts. This volume draws on the convergence between the view of language and translation embraced by ecologically-oriented educationalists and the theoretical underpinnings of the holistic approach to translating culture. It puts forward a holistic pedagogy that harmonizes the teaching of language and translation in the same learning environment.
The author examines the changing nature of the role of pedagogic translation starting with the Grammar Translation Method and concluding with the more recent ecological approaches to Foreign Language Education.
Translation and Language Education analyses current research into the revival of translation in language teaching and is vital reading for translators, language teachers and postgraduate students working in the areas of Translation Studies and Applied Linguistics.
Sara Laviosa is Senior Lecturer in English Language and Translation at the University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’. Her recent publications include Linking Wor(l)ds: Contrastive Analysis and Translation, with Richard D.G. Braithwaite (Liguori, 2014). She is also Guest Editor of the Special Issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (Volume 8, Number 1, 2014), Translation in the Language Classroom: Theory, Research and Practice.