The Prophet – praise and peace be upon him – said, “Indeed, knowledge has a branch which resembles a hidden thing (it needs to be discovered); no one grasps it except those who know Allah.” Allah in the Quran speaks about all aspects of creation, but much of it was beyond the understanding of the desert Arabs living 1400 years ago, Allah says: “And we strike these similitudes for the people, but none understands them except those who know.” (29:42).
Regarding this the prophet (saws) said, “Indeed, there is an external meaning and an internal meaning to the Qur’an, a scope and a point.” Ali, pointing to his breast, said, “Indeed, herein lies abundant knowledge; would that there were some to (comprehend and) transmit it.”
It was because not every person was capable of understanding science that the prophet (saws) said, “We prophets were ordered to communicate with everyone according to his ability to understand.” This is because there was a danger in trying to teach people science they would not be able to prove for another 1400 years, so the prophet (saws) warned, “No one has ever recited a prophetic quotation to a people which their minds have failed to grasp without it being a temptation for them.”
Allah said in the Quran "Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Are those who know equal with those who know not? But only men of understanding will pay heed." (39:9)
This work will show how Allah taught science in the Quran through a series of tafsir on various chapters and verses of the Quran all of which ultimately explain how Allah is Haq, the reality of the universe we live with.
Table Of Contents:
Ch.1 - The Prophets Knowledge Of The Quran
Ch.2 - Tafsir Surah al Rahman (55:1-9)
Ch.3 - Tafsir Surah al Shams (91:1-11)
Ch.4 - Tafsir The Verse Of Light (24:35)
Ch.5 - Tafsir Surah al Takwir (81:1-14)
Ch.6 - Tafsir Surah Nun (68:1-2)
Ch.7 - Tafsir Of Small Verses From Al Mulk, Al Aala, Al Hashr, Ta Ha and Al Hadid
Ch.8 - Tafsir Surah al Najm
Ch.9 - Aqeedah: How Is Allah Reality (Haq)