Scream Queen

· Jabberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
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An Aurora Award Finalist

Six contestants. One haunted house. And a whole lot of bloody murder.

B-grade horror masters the Gowan brothers have devised a new reality TV show with a killer hook. Six contestants compete for the chance to star in an upcoming slasher movie. All they have to do is survive one night in a “haunted” house and be voted Scream Queen.

The setting is perfect: a crumbling Victorian mansion with a gruesome history and a former owner who turned out to be a serial killer. Throw in a few buckets of fake blood, a bunch of rubber body parts, and a cast of aspiring actors who’ll do anything for a close-up. An expert parapsychologist even warns the production team against disturbing the house’s dormant spirits. Fantastic publicity. Sure, the budget’s low, but the ratings are going to soar.

Then the sun goes down. The cameras start rolling. And all hell really breaks loose...

Edo van Belkom, winner of the Bram Stoker and Aurora Awards, is at his brilliantly twisted best in a novel that’s dark, witty, and utterly terrifying.

“Great creepy fun! A post-modern edge-of-your-seat thriller, with enough smarts to know when to scare you and when to make you laugh. Having survived a decade in television, I thought I’d seen it all, but this book is actually SCARIER than meeting a Hollywood Network Executive!!”
–Ron Oliver writer/director PROM NIGHT 3 & more

“An ominous rollercoaster ride of a ghost story that is at once surprisingly simple and deceptively complex, a novel which exemplifies both the author’s penchant for comic horror and intense terror – not to mention a genuine love of horror movies ... SCREAM QUEEN rocks.”
–Rue Morgue

“A beach book for the horror crowd. Fun and fast-paced, the book is a terrific read.”
–Creative Corner

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Sobre o autor

Bram Stoker and Aurora Award winner Edo van Belkom is the author of two hundred stories of horror, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery, which have appeared in such magazines and anthologies as Storyteller, RPM for Truckers, Year’s Best Horror Stories, and The Mammoth Book of On the Road. He is also the author of “Mark Dalton: Owner/Operator,” an ongoing adventure serial about a private investigator turned trucker that has been published continuously in the monthly trade magazine Truck News since June of 1999. His more than twenty books to date include the novels Scream Queen, Martyrs, and Teeth and the short story collections Death Drives a Semi and Six-Inch Spikes. Born in Toronto in 1962, Edo worked as a daily newspaper sports and police reporter for five years before becoming a full-time freelance writer in 1992. He lives in Brampton, Ontario, with his wife, Roberta, and son, Luke.

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