After Earth succumbs to nuclear annihilation, humanity’s hope flickers on Mars. In 2055, beneath the Martian polar ice, 13-year-olds Iru and Billy discover what they think is an abandoned construction project. As Russo-Chinese forces advance on their colony, this mysterious artifact reveals startling secrets.
With tensions escalating across the red planet, Iru and Billy find themselves caught in the crosshairs of a desperate struggle for survival. Hostile forces threaten their way of life, compelling the two friends to unlock the relic’s mysterious powers. Doing so could mean the difference between survival and catastrophe.
Martian Tide is a thrilling journey through the red dust of Mars, where two brave youths face the ultimate test. Can they delay humanity’s extinction on this alien world? Join them in this gripping chapter of the Portalverse Elemental Origins series, where the future of humankind hangs in the balance.
Dive into humanity’s last stand on Mars today, where two unlikely heroes race to unlock ancient secrets before time—and oxygen—runs out.
Sean Willson lives in North Carolina with his wife and three beautiful children. He’s a Computer Engineer in his day job, and when he’s not busy being a father, you can find him peering through his telescope, reading, or enjoying a great cup of coffee. It was only after having kids and teaching them that they could do anything they put their minds to, that he resolved to rekindle his passion for writing. He has since self-published multiple popular science fiction series.