Seduced by a Stallion

· The Stallions Sách 5 · Harlequin
12 bài đánh giá
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Wealthy Texas scion Matthew Stallion is the playboy of the Western world. In the courtroom, he's unbeatable. On a horse, he's unstoppable. And in bed…he's irresistible. But it may be time for the second eldest Stallion son to hang up his Stetson when he clashes with single mother Katrina Broomes. The widowed judge is the epitome of judicial calm and old-fashioned tradition. Until Matthew unleashes her wild passion.

The charismatic, eye-catchingly gorgeous attorney is six feet plus of potent masculinity. Katrina doesn't stand a chance against Matthew's sensual onslaught. From the chic boulevards of Paris to the sprawling Stallion family ranch, she's getting a lesson in seduction—Texan style. Because when it comes to love out West…the sky's the limit!

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12 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Deborah Fletcher Mello has been writing since forever and can’t imagine herself doing anything else. Her first romance novel, Take Me to Heart, earned her a 2004 Romance Slam Jam nomination for Best New Author, and in 2009, she won an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award for her ninth novel, Tame a Wild Stallion. Born and raised in Connecticut, Deborah now considers home to be wherever the moment moves her.

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