โThe Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
"The book under review gives a comprehensive treatment of basically everything in mathematics that can be named multivalued/set-valued analysis. It includes...results with many historical comments giving the reader a sound perspective to look at the subject...The book is highly recommended for mathematicians and graduate students who will find here a very comprehensive treatment of set-valued analysis."
โMathematical Reviews
"I recommend this book as one to dig into with considerable pleasure when one already knows the subject...โSet-Valued Analysisโ goes a long way toward providing a much needed basic resource on the subject."
โBulletin of the American Mathematical Society
"This book provides a thorough introduction to multivalued or set-valued analysis...Examples in many branches of mathematics, given in the introduction, prevail [upon] the reader the indispensability [of dealing] with sequences of sets and set-valued maps...The style is lively and vigorous, the relevant historical comments and suggestive overviews increase the interest for this work...Graduate students and mathematicians of every persuasion will welcome this unparalleled guide to set-valued analysis."
โZentralblatt Math